[Complete] How Do I Remove Shorts Beta From Youtube - See The Explanation!
How Do I Remove Shorts Beta From Youtube - Howdy y'all, have you ever been watching some epic YouTube content and then all of a sudden, those pesky shorts sneak their way onto your screen? Well fear not my friends, for I have discovered the ultimate solution to rid your YouTube experience of those annoying shorts beta videos. Are ya ready? Let's get to it! Step 1: Be a Boss and Control Your Life The first step to removing shorts beta from your YouTube feed is to take control of your own life. Yes, you heard me right, it's time to be a boss. Head on over to your YouTube homepage and scroll down until you find one of those pesky shorts videos. Then, click the 3 dots in the top right corner of the video and select "Don't recommend channel." This will ensure that you never see any videos from that channel in your feed again. Step 2: Get Your Hands Dirty Now, if you're a little more serious about getting rid of shorts beta, it's time to ...